GofundBD Beta

About us

GoFundBd is a crowdfunding platform in Bangladesh. It help fundraisers to collect money for valid purposes.

GoFundBd verifies every events whether is is authentic or not. After verification the event is approved and is shown at website.

GoFundBd neither gives money to any event nor receives money for any event. People give money to event. Money will not be transferred via GoFundBd. Donors need to send money to event raiser directly by using traditional method ( cash, mobile banking or bank etc.) and have to inform event raiser through GoFundBd. If event raiser gets money he needs to approve it. GoFundBd will show the total collected money, individual contribution etc. GoFundBd is not involved in any money related issue.

It has 3 differences with traditional crowdfunding sites.

1. GoFundBd is free.
2. Money directly transferred to the eventraiser.
3. GoFundBd verifies every event whether it is authentic or not.